So, you've got healthcare coverage...that's great!  An important question to ask yourself now is, what is my deductible?  Health Insurance policies have a wide range of deductibles.  From as low as $500 to as high as $5,000 for a calendar year, deductibles can be a real drag.  I know this from my own personal experience as I am sure is the same for many of you.  I got bamboozled by my health insurance deductible, but that was before I knew what a deductible meant.  Being an insurance agent requires that I know what this means, obviously, so now that I know what it means...it is my job to find ways to make those deductibles disappear!  How can I do that?  Read on...

You've looked over your health insurance policy and you find out that you have a $2,000 deductible.  You don't usually make too many trips to the doctor's office and you really are careful on the roads and in life in general.  Your health insurance policy (aka major medical expense policy) may have gaps or holes that separate you from getting the most out of your insurance.  That is when supplemental health plans come in.  Why do I need more health insurance? You might be asking....well, let me tell you how this works.  Accident Expense plans are a wonderful thing, I mean, you see a hilarious duck quacking on your TV set daily..."AFLAC"...talking about these plans and how they give you first dollar coverage...money paid directly to you when you make a claim!  Well, you won't have a duck flying toward your mail box tossing in a football shaped wad of cash...BUT...it's close enough.  I don't sell AFLAC but what I do sell does the same thing and does it very well at an incredibly affordable price.  And the best thing is, any money you receive can be paid to whatever you desire (cable bill, water bill, electric bill, medical bills, and so on).  I like to think that my accident expense policy is my deductible insurance.  An accident policy will pay off my deductible so that I can get the benefits of my health insurance policy without spending more than $50.

As you see in the picture above, baseball can be a pretty abusive sport.  The sport that has so many games in a year you can hardly stand to watch all of them.  Think about your kids for a second...do you have one that plays summer baseball?  Summer basketball? Or football?....Well, an accident expense plan may be something you should consider.  These plans can take care of your boy or girl's broken ankle, dislocated shoulder...etc. without you worrying about spending $2,000 before you reach the end of your deductible.  It might be wise to consider these plans JUST for the duration of a summer baseball season as these plans can be paid month to month without a policy commitment!

Want to learn more?  I can't possibly tell you everything in one blog, but I'd love to talk to you in person, by phone, email, etc. Go to my contact page and send a message over and I'll reply asap!

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