Have you ever been through a lawsuit before?  Well, I have not, and I hope that I never have to.  From my experience in customer service, lawsuits effect every facet of your life. Of course, there are many individuals who feel that a lawsuit is a means of income or similar to winning the lottery (i.e. The McDonald's Hot Coffee Lawsuit of 1994).  On the contrary to my aforementioned example, my premise is not regarding those who seek out or desire to hold others in contempt of court for their personal gain but for those who seek to avoid it altogether.  

Now, we all should be very aware of this important fact, insurance is not intended for personal gain but rather for indemnification (to be made whole again).  As insurance agents, our goal is to look at your assets and help you find insurance policies that will protect those assets in such a way as to replace them with money or with the appropriate property.   This is where I begin to LOVE my job.  I get to help others understand the true importance of insurance and how it is a vital piece of your financial puzzle.  The unfortunate thing about insurance is that when it is at work for you, you've just had some sort of loss.  Losses are always painful, physically and emotionally.  The best type of insurance is the kind that provides you with everything you need without having to face the gavel and a jury. 

Now, to the meat and potatoes of today's topic, Uninsured Drivers!  Now, think about this, if you get into an accident with someone who doesn't have insurance, who are you going to rely on if it was THEIR fault?  Well, certainly not them!  If they are not responsible enough to insure themselves, they are more than likely not responsible enough to have the income necessary to give you a cash settlement.  In some cases, you would end up taking this person to court and garnishing their wages to pay off your property damage and your medical bills.  Of course, I am not a lawyer and I am in no place to give you that kind of legal advice, BUT I can give you a way to prevent Uninsured Drivers from causing you multiple migraines and court appearances.  Read On...

Did you know that ONE in SEVEN drivers are UNINSURED?  That means that roughly 15% of drivers you see on a daily basis are driving without insurance.  And get this, there is a 30% chance any United States citizen will get into a serious auto accident in their lifetime.  Put those two statistics together and you've got a 5% chance of getting into an accident with an uninsured driver in your lifetime.  If you read my latest auto insurance blog "Literally Paying an Arm and a Leg", you may be inclined to take a second look at your uninsured motorist coverages.  Do you have enough coverage to make yourself whole again?  Don't let uninsured drivers ruin your day.  Do everything you can to prevent post-traumatic stress from controlling your life.  This is just one more nugget of information that I hope helps you understand how important each coverage on your insurance policy is to you and your family.  In an effort not to bore you, I will end this blog here.  But, don't hesitate to contact me for more information on Uninsured Motorist Coverages.  I would love to assist you and help you discover the perfect insurance policy for you.  I'm just one click away from making your insurance make more sense to you.

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