So, I'm sure that this has happened to you or someone you know.  There are so many ways it can happen, and most of those ways are unforeseeable   When something happens fast and sudden, your natural human instinct kicks in and the fight or flight response is triggered.  You get into a car accident and BAM you are either freaking out and wanting to run away or you are ready to jump out of your car and whomp the person who hit you.  Well, the best way to avoid doing the WRONG thing in this situation is to mentally prepare yourself before it happens.  Since we can't rely on premonitions to prepare us for unexpected events, I suggest reading these tips and keeping a list of these tips in your car's glove compartment.  Having a helpful source within your grasp in a time of need will help you shake those nerves and anxiety.  Read on and learn more about how to prepare for an accident before it's too late.

(The following notes are provided by ERIE Insurance. Click HERE for more information on this company.)

What to do when you have an accident:

1. Protect yourself, others in the auto, your auto, and any other property from further damage the best you can.

2. Call the police! Some people make the mistake of talking to the other driver first, but it is more important to get the authorities on the scene as soon as possible. 

3. Don't say I'm Sorry!!  The worst thing to do after an accident is admit it is your fault.  Don't sign any statements until the authorities are on the scene and an appropriate evaluation of the situation has been made.

4. Exchange information.  Once the accident has happened, the officer is on site, and a police report is being created....get with the other driver and take down information on his insurance and his vehicle.  I encourage you to print out the form below and put it in your glove compartment.  Use it to take down information for your records.  It is always in your best interest to know as much as you can about the accident.

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Once you have completed all of these steps, it is now a good time to report the claim.  Calling your agent before you call your insurance company is the best thing you can do.  Let your agent help you through the claims process.  If you need help with anything, need advice on a how to handle claims, or would like to contact me for any reason...please email me at [email protected].

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